Saturday, June 25, 2005

Conserve Wildlife

It was a pleasure to have Conserve Wildlife out on Sedge Island. The osprey banding was an unforgettable experience, and I have linked up all the pictures from the day under the "Pictures" heading on the right, as well as under "Happenings on Sedge". Rick was our terrapin spotter and we got to scan and mark a nesting female terrapin.

During your meeting the girls and I conducted some water quality tests and tried to snag some dinner with our fishing rods. Good thing Jim brought out a striped bass and Tony dropped off a fluke. Jim's new smoker still needs some work, but grilled fish is just as good.

Rick and Bob stayed the night and caught a bunch of feisty blueclaw crabs on the outgoing tide that night. We paddled through the mosquito ditches and past the peregrine hacking tower where mamma pappa and the 3 chicks were all out of the nest box!!! We tried our luck fishing in the mud channel but all we got were bitten off lures!

We hope you enjoyed your day at Sedge and look foward to seeing the group again.

Jim Merritt and Katina Tsakiris

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was a wonderful experience to stay over at Sedge Island this past weekend, and I look forward to doing it again. Everybody should be so lucky! Jim, Katina and Tony were wonderful hosts and could not have been more hospitable. The value of what I learned about this delicate and beautiful environment is immeasurable. I will try my best to put it to good use both personally and as a member of Conserve Wildlife. Keep up the good work and thank you for the opportunity to experience Sedge Island!


10:14 AM  
Blogger WebmavenNJ said...

Our visit to Sedge House and the island was outstanding - conducive to free floating ideas in relation to working on saving imperiled and rare species of New Jersey. The members of the board of directors of Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ, staff, and family members took home new friendships and many memories.
Please check out the additional photos by going to our website and clicking on Gallery!

9:27 AM  

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