When we first arrived to Sedge Island, Jacky brought over a terrapin attempting to nest in her garden. This was a unique experience and it was great that everyone helped measure and record the terrapin's data. You were all very attentive and enthusiastic and had great questions.

We went on a small kayak trip through the mosquito ditches at high tide and every one maneuvered all the twists and turns very well. We covered so many aspects of marsh ecology including: plants, animals, food webs and zonation. The group was great at making observations while on the marsh as well as back at the Sedge House while we were netting crabs and aquatic organisms. We identified many crabs including spider, green and blue crabs. The blue crabs later became tasty additions to our lunch.

Every night we sat down as a group and wrote in our Sedge Island Journals, and shared our thoughts of the day with each other. We also compiled a species list of birds, plants and aquatic organisms. We went clamming, crabbing and seining, talked about eelgrass and oysters and paddled all the way to the beach across from Barnegat lighthouse. I know the fishing was a hit, especially since we had 2 campers catch bluefish!

Counselors Megan and Melissa: you were wonderful leaders and with your scientific backgrounds added so much more to the experience. Good luck this year with teaching and don't forget to pass on your knowledge of Sedge Island.

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You made this trip so much fun! All of the lessons were very exciting, especially the turtle tagging! I loved how you alwyas were so energetic and pumped for everything we did. Another thing was that you always made the lessons exciting! Have a great rest of the summer!
Thanks a bunch,
Emma Howard
YMCA 2005
You are awesome!!! No, really you are :) I was interested in this kind of stuff before, but now... wow! I had such a great time kayaking, terrapin tagging, crabbing, chillin on the boat...
Basically just thanks so much for making it all so interesting.. and getting me to try fish again! I forgot how good it tasted. I thought that after learning about clams, fish, and all of it, I would never be able to eat it it again, but... I guess it cind of had the opposite effect!
And the rambling ends here...
You rock so much!
Dear Katina,
Thank you sooo much! I had so much fun here kayaking, was very hard at first and I really didn't like it but i like it alot better now. My FAVORITE thing was crabbing, I caught like 15 of them! The terrapins were sooo cute but my favorite animal was the egeret (how do you spel it?)
Thank you for teaching me all of this cool stuff. I had a really great time here thanks to you. Good luck with the rest of your groups!
Thank you from,
Melissa HOWLEY
(not the counselor)
ps too bad the bugs are bad
Dear Katina.
Thanks for all the fun here on Sedge Island. I had fun doing all the things I'd never done before sucah as crabbing and kayaking long distances. I also thought the birds were really neat such as the egret and I thought the plants were really cool too. Good luck in the future!
Thanks again
Melissa Cardonick
I didn't like kayaking because it was exhausting and somewhat boring. I liked clamming, crabbing and especially fishing. I caught 15 crabs, huge crabs and a blue fish and all of them were awesome! The bugs were horrible and I had bites all over, it was horrible. Also I hated the CLIVUS. But overall this trip was very nice. The snack that smiles back GOLDFISH.
Ed Grisweld
I didn't like kayaking much. I didn't like the bugs. Ohter than that I loved it. I wish I could live here. I didn't like the CLIVUS much at all. There were a lot of nats flying out. I caught a lot of blue crabs. I had a great time. Kaitna was a pretty good instructor. Today (Thursday was my birthday)
Overall everything was pretty good, I didn't like the kayaking much, except for being able to see so much. The clamming was fun, the fishing was fun, but boring and I didn't catch anything, and the crabbing was really fun. I learned alot about the ecosystem, how I should conserve my resources and about all the wildlife. It was great.
This has been an awesome trip! I didn't get to go camping this summer so I am really glad I decided to come here.
I have b=never been clamming or seining before and I absolutely love kayaking and crabbing! : )
Thanx for making this such a great learning experience for the campers. They have really learned a ton and I have no doubt that your bubbling excitement peaked their interest.
I will always remember this trip and will most definately be revisiting Sedge Island,
Thanx again for everything! You are an incredible outdoors woman. Good luch Mountain Biking this weekend. Kick some tail!
Megan K (YMCA Marine Ecology 2005)
Thank you so much for everything. This trip was absolutely amazing. The kids and I learned so much. I think that each of my campers had an experience that he or she will never forget. The bay and Sedge Island are dynamic, magical places. There is life everywhere you look. I really enjoyed being able to see even just a snapshot of the organisms and their worlds.
Again thank you so muchfor sharing your knowlegde. Good luck teaching in the fall. If you teach your students like you taught us, it will be a breeze!
Thank you,
Melissa M (the councelor)
YMCA Marine Ecology 2005
Here is a list of animals we saw during our three days on Sedge Island.
Belted Kingfisher
Great Blue Heron
Brown Pelican
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Black-bellied Plover
Ruddy Turnstone
Tree Swallow
Herring Gull
Greater Black-backed Gull
Common Tern
American Oystercatcher
Striped Killifish
Winter Flounder
Atlantic Needlefish
Sea Robin
Black Drum
Sea Bass
White Mullet
Marine Invertebrates
Sea Star
Blue Crab
Green Crab
Calico Crab (Lady Crab)
Hermit Crab
Hairy Sea Cucumber
Slipper Shell
Bay Scallop
Hard-shelled Clam (Quahog)
Soft-shelled Calm (Steamer)
Sea Nettle (jellyfish)
Moon Snail
Sand Shrimp
Mud Snail
Sea Anemone
Germantown Academy Middle School Students
Aug. 29-31, 2005
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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