Thursday, June 09, 2005

St. Benedict's Girls

I am sure this was a great adventure for you girls, but I want you to know that it was an amazing adventure for me too. Our days on Sedge Island were jam-packed starting on Monday with an early arrival and then some fishing and clamming. We didn’t have much luck with the fishing, but you girls were all the clam queens!! I enjoyed learning all about you and then was flabbergasted by your ability to actually speak gibberish.

Tuesday morning I was impressed by how many shoes I found in the hallway, and how many of you woke up at 5:20 am to watch a hazy sunrise and try for a bite on your fishing lines. You were a rowdy bunch kayaking, but I was impressed that we mad it all the way to the dike to explore the beach. That trip was about 7 miles total! My favorite part was when we were on the dock conducting water quality. I loved our conversation about the osprey and DDT, and how you girls tied in your knowledge from the day. I also liked it when we collected all sorts of aquatic organisms, creepy crawlies and slimy things and all shared our discoveries and looked at them through the binocular scopes. We saw a few horseshoe crabs along the way but the couple near the Sedge House was the most impressive… could you believe how big that female was?

You are all wonderful girls. You all have such strong personalities and are great leaders. When you girls put your heads together on the island we accomplished amazing tasks!!! Keep learning and exploring and I know you will all grow up to be wonderful amazing women!! Just remember a part of your Sedge Island Journey is to share something you learned on the island with someone else.

Donna- how wonderful for these girls to have such an amazing woman as a leader and role model. Thank you, to you and Barbara for bringing such a wonderful group of girls to Sedge Island.


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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

MATES Freshmen

It is always great to have students and faculty from MATES visit Sedge. You have both the enthusiasm and knowledge to make your experience more valuable than the average group. Nice job with your first coordinator responsibilities Mr. Werner. Having three classes in quick succession is hard work!
We hope you students keep up your interest in marine biology and saltmarsh ecology and some day find yourself working in this field. Remember, you are one of the closest groups to Sedge. We hope you will come back to visit the Marine Conservation Zone with family and friends.
PS What happened with your lab? Were your hypotheses (re. the water sampling at various depths)correct?

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Sunday, June 05, 2005


It was great to have the Irvington teachers, and friends, back at Sedge Island. Once again it was raining, but you guys are troopers! Saturday turned out to be a beautiful day and we paddled through the mosquito ditches and even stopped for lunch on my hero, Pete McClain's, porch.

I want to thank everyone for pitching in on our island walk collecting trash. I am so proud of those of you that were grossed out but still came along, you get used to the squish when you walk.
Clamming, don’t worry Clare, you’ll get em next time!
We found so many different species seining, and who would have known that our cocktail onion was actually an anemone!

We look forward to your future returns to Sedge Island, and hope that you go out and share something about your Sedge Island experience with your students.

Katina and Jim

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