Teacher Training Workshop
We had record heat and humidity along with mosquitoes, gnats and unbearable hoards of green head flies. All in al I think everyone dealt fantastically with the not-so-ideal conditions.
Everyone was eager to participate and chip in with all the activities and discussions. I think overall I enjoyed all of the discussions about different teaching methods and different school systems.

Our first day we kayaked through the mosquito ditches past the peregrine hacking tower. We stalked crabs and horseshoe crabs, and surveyed the bagged clams in our clam lease. The next day we set out for a long kayak in the record heat and fought with the green head flies the whole way.

We received some relief when lunching across from Barnegat Lighthouse, and then headed to the beach for a well-deserved swim in the ocean. When we got back to the Sedge House, the screen porch was the place to be and we spoke about different curriculums and made paper folding crabs and seaweed presses.

Our last day was also jam packed with clamming and seining. We identified many local species and boarded the boat with a breeze for the mainland.

As a first year teacher everyone had amazing advice to give me. Thank you to everyone for making this a great workshop!
Katina, Jim and Carly
Everyone was eager to participate and chip in with all the activities and discussions. I think overall I enjoyed all of the discussions about different teaching methods and different school systems.

Our first day we kayaked through the mosquito ditches past the peregrine hacking tower. We stalked crabs and horseshoe crabs, and surveyed the bagged clams in our clam lease. The next day we set out for a long kayak in the record heat and fought with the green head flies the whole way.

We received some relief when lunching across from Barnegat Lighthouse, and then headed to the beach for a well-deserved swim in the ocean. When we got back to the Sedge House, the screen porch was the place to be and we spoke about different curriculums and made paper folding crabs and seaweed presses.

Our last day was also jam packed with clamming and seining. We identified many local species and boarded the boat with a breeze for the mainland.

As a first year teacher everyone had amazing advice to give me. Thank you to everyone for making this a great workshop!
Katina, Jim and Carly
Observations were so incredible from the kayaking vantage point! More details seen, felt, and smelled! Great conservation experience in staying on Sedge Island re: water usage, composting, electricity, plastics, etc. Going home was a startling contrast. The Sedge Island experience was an encouragement to adjust personal habits especially in the consumption of energy related products/supplies.
Thanks Katina, Jim, and Carly for your patience in answering our endless questions! Thanks for your efforts to help us achieve our individual goals- kayaking, birding, crabbing, clamming, seining, preparing meals from the bay, etc. Really enjoyed the many inquiry sessions! Terrific learning!!
The Teacher Training Workshop was a fun-filled, relaxing workshop that included teaching ideas for the classroom, and discussions that helped participants understand the need for implementing conservation techniques in daily lives at home and school.
Observation skills were emphasized, and I now look at the world around me in a new way.
Living together for several days with teachers from a variety of backgrounds also added to the learning experiences.
Jim, Katina,and Carly were fantastic instructors. Because of their enthusiasm and knowledge, I now have a greater understanding of the Barnegat Bay, including it's beauty, inhabitants, and problems.
Thumbs up for this workshop.
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